Show #17
The Far-Gone Accumulator/September 6, 2006
5,6,7,8's - Long Tall Sally
Sol - Les Colombes
Pure & Simple - Shaking his Bandelero
Cyniques - Les Commerciaux
Ventures - Exploration into Terror
Collins Kids - Blues in the Night
Gerard nono Deslauriers - les fraises et les framboises
Various Jazz - Jam Blues #1
Cyniques - interjections
Elvis Presley - Baby, What do you Want me to do
Jim Reeves - Teach me to prayeric et
les gamins - les maraudeurs
perez prado - mama a go-go
les harmonicos - oiseaux mecaniques
bo diddley - bo diddley
waldo de los rios - what is love (marriage of figaro)
sol - oisifsventures - the bat
cyniques - les plaines d'abraham
sandblasters - hang 'em high
charlie feathers - runnin' around
lutins - les yeux fermes
chantays - beyond
joe hunter - let me call you sweetheart
dale hawkins - susie q
jing ting - joke
donn reynolds - let the rest of the world go by
yoon il loh - guitar boogie
joe hunter - let the rest of the world go by
charlie & his go boys - these boots are made for walkin'
chiang siao ying - come back to me
sol - lettre a un absent manteau
pearl sisters - it is unpleasant
cyniques - l'homme grenoiulle
chrome - perfumed metal
thu su yung - what a sound
offenbach - l'hymne a l'amour
The 2nd half had a bunch of tracks off "asian takeaways" a compilation of asian 60's pop. Soon I'll have a show lined up with the lp's I have gathered myself, It'll be a dilly. Mebbe one day I'll go the rapidshare route & set up downloads of the out of print stuff I find, but until then..........
Far-Gone Accumulator can be heard Wednesdays from 1-3am CST on 91.3fm CJTR, or on the web.